Expert articles for IP professionals

 On this webpage you will find all expert articles by BOIP for IP Professionals. Since 2023 we published these articles to update you on the latest developments in the field of trademarks, designs and ideas in the Benelux from BOIP's perspective. 


Below you can find our expert articles published in this year:

Reform of design law: Design Package on the horizon

Pieter Veeze [Principal legal officer] highlights the key aspects of the design law reform.

Article by

Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal Officer)

Reform of design law: Design Package on the horizon

Geographical indications: changes and impact of legislative changes

We first elaborate on these changes and then look specifically at the impact of the new Agri Regulation for BOIP.

Article by

Eline Schiebroek and Tineke Van Hoey (Legal Officers)

Geographical indications


Five years of the ‘Trade Mark Package’ in the CBPI: retrospectives

Pieter Veeze [Principal legal officer] looks back at the expectations he had at the time.

Article by

Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal Officer)

Five years of the ‘Trade Mark Package’ in the CBPI

An underestimated source of knowledge: Common Practices!

Improving the chances of successfully registering and defending a trademark. 

Article by

Flavie Rougier (Legal Officer)

Common Practices

Foto: Flavie Rougier


Below you can find our expert articles published in this year:

BOIP publishes new Guidelines for Opposition Proceedings

November has seen BOIP publish a fully revised version of the Guidelines for Opposition Proceedings. This article tells you more. 

Article by

Pieter Veeze (Principal Legal Officer)

BOIP publishes new Guidelines for Opposition Proceedings

Pieter Veeze

USUS MAGISTER EST OPTIMUS: 5 tips for a successful ‘non usus’ defence or claim

This article will give you some insight into how BOIP assesses genuine use of a trademark. 

Article by 

Eline Schiebroek (Legal Officer)


Foto van Eline Schiebroek

Stricter interpretation of the Chiemsee judgment following shift in approach by EUIPO’s Grand Board of Appeal

Almost 25 years after the Chiemsee judgment, EUIPO now appears to be following a more restrictive application.

Article by

Tomas Westenbroek (Legal Officer)

Stricter interpretation of the Chiemsee judgment

Tomas Westenbroek

The 12th edition of the Nice Classification and how to avoid delays when registering your trademark

The Nice Classification is constantly evolving. It is continuously reviewed and updated by the representatives of the participating countries in order to adjust it to the current trends and market reality.

Article by

Author: Flavie Rougier (Legal Officer)
Co-author: Willy Neys (Legal Officer)

The 12th edition of the Nice Classification

Flavie Rougier

If you have any questions about the expert articles, please e-mail your questions to

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