Annual Report 2020

BOIP is taking entrepreneurs into the world of intellectual property 

2020 was in many ways a challenging year. The COVID-19 pandemic greatly impacted the way we live our lives and do business. 2020 had an unexpected effect on BOIP. For some entrepreneurs, the demand for products and services suddenly disappeared. Others had to cope with an explosive increase in demand for new product and services. Many entrepreneurs had to reinvent themselves and come up with innovative solutions. The result was a dramatic increase in the number of trademark registrations. We also saw the number of i-DEPOTs grow – our service that allows entrepreneurs to record their ideas online.

Aantal depots 2020 Aantal merken 2020


But it is not the economic circumstances alone that determine the business climate. Our customers and partners expect continuous innovation in our field and further digitisation of our services. The BOIP strategic plan for 2019-2024 ensures that we are an organisation that is future-ready and able to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. It also gives direction to our mission. “We make it simple for all entrepreneurs to protect their intellectual property (IP).” 

Central to this is the sharing of our expertise in the field of IP with entrepreneurs and with our partners. In order to help entrepreneurs in the Benelux find their way around the complex world of IP, we continue to pursue intensive cooperation with different IP partners. 

What we have achieved 

In 2020 we made the most of opportunities to meet the expectations of our customers and partners. And by doing so, we took great strides towards the fulfilment of our mission. 

If you would like to know more about our results and activities in 2020, the BOIP Annual Report 2020 is available here. 


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