Register your trademark or design and have part of your application fees reimbursed

Entrepreneurs registering their trademark or design can take advantage of the 'IP voucher' offer to have up to 50% of their application fees reimbursed. The 'IP-voucher' offer is valid this year and as long as the European budget is available. You on behalf of the company itself or an IP Professional on your behalf, may apply for a reimbursement of up to EUR 1,500.

Why a trademark or design registration?

ip voucher euipo

As an entrepreneur you invest time, energy and money in your company. You build up a good name, creating economic value. This value lies in the trade name of your company, the name of your product or service or in the logo. Registration at the Chamber of Commerce or the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (KBO, Belgium) and registering your domain name are a very good start, but they do not provide trademark protection for your trade name or logo.

Are you looking for optimal protection for your name or logo? If so, apply to register a trademark in the Benelux or EU. You can register both your trade name and the logo of your product, service or company as a trademark.

More about trademarks

Is design your primary focus, as an entrepreneur? If so, it may be wise to record your design or drawing (or a combination of both) by means of registering your design.

More about designs

Which fees are reimbursed?

Under this European campaign you can recover a maximum of 50% of the basic fees of your trademark or design application, up to a maximum of EUR 1,500.

  • In the case of a Benelux trademark application, the reimbursement amounts to 122 euros (50% of 244 euros).
  • In the case of a Benelux design application, the reimbursement is 75 euros (50% of 150 euros).
  • You can also use the IP voucher to get a partial reimbursement on an EU trademark or design application: max. 425 euros per trademark (50% of 850 euros).

Please note that each applicant may only apply for 1 IP voucher at EUIPO this year. The application may contain multiple trademark and/or design applications up to a maximum of 1,500 euro reimbursement.

More information about how to apply can be found on our page 'IP voucher'.

To the page IP voucher


This post was updated on 17-03-2021

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