Entering the products and services of your choice into the system: here is how!

When applying for your trademark registration, you must choose the products and services you wish to do that for. You will find tips about how to choose in Step 3 of our helpful 4 steps for trademark registration. Then, when you start your application, you must enter your choice in the application system. This page tells you how to do this.   

Choosing your products and services  

You register a trademark for specific products and services. Your trademark is only protected for the products and services you choose. They are divided into 45 classes. Each class contains many different words that describe products and services. We call these 'terms'.

If you want to know which classes and terms you should select, take a look at our tips.

In ‘Step 2’ of the online system, where you apply for your trademark registration, you will find a search tool, through which you can search a database of terms that are internationally approved. Selecting terms from this list will help us process your request faster.   

Think carefully about your choice!

Entering products and services  

Step 1: Search for terms

  • Search for words that specifically describe your products and/or services (e.g. "clothing" or "education").
  • If you did not find what you were looking for, try synonyms or other wording. 

Step 2: Choosing terms 

In the right-hand column, you will see the terms found by our system.

  • Tick the terms that best describe your activities.
  • Only tick the terms that are relevant to you. Do not choose products and services for which you will not use your trademark.
  • Do you find several terms that mean the same thing (e.g. "knives" and "knives [hand tools]"? Just choose one that you think fits best. 

Would you rather compile your list in advance? You can do so via the TMclass tool. You can read how to do that below. 

  1. Go to the TMclass website. 
  2. Search for your product and/or service (fill in under ‘Search term’). 
  3. The results appear on the right. Select the products and/or services by ticking the relevant boxes for the resulting terms. Avoid duplicate terms.
  4. The products/services selected are shown at the top on the right in My List (yellow box). Click to open the list. Check whether your list is complete and correct. You can also remove any terms you do not want. To add new terms, go back to the start. 
  5. When your list is ready, under ‘Actions’ select ‘Download as TXT file'. The file will now download to your computer. 
  6. Start or continue your trademark application. Import the TXT file at ‘Step 2’ using the option ‘Upload your list’. 

What to look out for 

The system verifies the terms you enter based on a database of terms that have already been validated. If you choose terms that have already been validated, they will show in green. As they have already been validated, we are able to process your application faster.  

If a term shows in orange, it means it has not been validated. The system will suggest terms that have been validated. Position your mouse over the orange term and select the correct suggested term. The term will then be labelled 'Term correct'.  

If a term shows in red, it has not been validated and no alternative term has been found in the database.

Are you not finding suitable suggestions for terms? You can also leave the orange- or red-coloured terms. Please bear in mind that processing your application will take longer if you use non-validated terms. 

Do you need help?   

If you need help in submitting your choice for your products and services, please call or email our Information Centre or ask your question via the chat in the application system.

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