New research on IP protection and Belgian companies

Commissioned by BOIP and the FPS Economy, the Catholic University of Leuven and research agency IDEA Consult investigated the characteristics of Belgian companies seeking to protect their intellectual property. The results of the research were presented today in Brussels.

The research 

By means of an econometric analysis, the Belgian business landscape was mapped, with a particular focus on the role of SMEs. Subsequently, company size and performance were examined, as well as which IP rights companies have established. For this purpose, the patents, trademarks, designs and plant breeders' rights of 15,193 Belgian companies were examined for the period 2010-2019. 


The research was presented today at the FPS Economy in Brussels. Its main objective is to gain a better understanding of the Belgian entrepreneurial landscape. Hugues Derème, Deputy Director-General at BOIP: "In Belgium, the entrepreneurial landscape is very diverse. In such a situation, segmentation is necessary. That is the first ambition of this econometric study: to identify the entrepreneurial landscape. This allows us to apply a segmented approach."

The results 

The study confirms the low number of companies with registered IP rights: only 3% of Belgian companies registered an IP right in the period 2010-2019.  The positive effect of intellectual property on the growth and productivity of an SME was also confirmed in the study. 

Hugues Derème: ,,We are convinced that every day IP needs to be better promoted and activated among companies. According to a recent EUIPO study, the integration rate is only 9% in Belgium. That leaves 91% of companies who fail to take advantage of the benefits of IP. "


BOIP is working closely with the FPS and other partners to make IP a reality for entrepreneurs. Hugues Derème: ,,We want to present IP as a toolbox from which companies can draw as much as they like." An example of this is the new platform Create, Protect & Benefit that was launched today.

Want to know more about the study? 

You can find more information in the documents below: 

Download the management summary (PDF, 1,014 Kb) 

Download the full study and results (PDF, 4,718 Kb) 

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