How do I understand the search results?

Searching in the BOIP Trademarks Register searches for trademarks that are valid in the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). Any European Union and international trademarks that show in the BOIP Trademarks Register are also valid in the Benelux.

Benelux, European Union or International Trademarks 

The abbreviations BX, EUR, or INT next to the trademark indicate whether it is a Benelux trademark or another type of trademark. 

Labels: BX, EUR, INT

All trademarks in the BOIP Trademarks Register are valid in the Benelux. If you see a trademark that is similar to yours you should look into it further, regardless of whether it is labelled with BX, EUR or INT.  

Trademarks shown in the search results 

In the overview of results, you can see at a glance the trademarks found, along with some information related to them.

The overview of results shows the class number (Cl) for all trademarks (BX, EUR and INT) under ‘Goods and services’. This can be several numbers. The class number indicates that the trademark has been registered for products or services falling under that class.  

You can make an initial selection yourself using the class number. The trademarks which then show the same products and/or services represent a possible risk for your trademark application. This is because with those trademarks there may be a risk of confusion with your trademark. 

If you do not know under which class(es) your products and services fall, the complete list can be found in the Nice Class Headings

You can also see what type of trademark you are dealing with: whether it is a word mark, for instance, or a figurative mark with word elements. Read more about the different types of trademarks.

Viewing trademark details 

For a Benelux trademark, clicking on ‘More details’ brings you to the details page for that trademark in the BOIP Trademarks Register. For a EUR or INT trademark, clicking on ‘More details’ brings you to the trademark concerned in the register for either European Union or international trademarks. 

Goods and services 

On the details page for a Benelux trademark, under the heading ‘Goods and services’, you can see all the products and services listed for which the trademark has been registered.

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