My trademark is not in the Trademarks Register (yet)

If your name or logo is not in the Trademarks Register yet, that means it is still available to be registered as a trademark. Be careful though: did you search properly enough, and in the right places?  

Search also for variants of the trademark 

Holders of other trademarks that look like yours can file against your trademark application. Do not restrict your search to only identical words. Search for different versions of those words as well. For example, for a name like ‘Apple’ you should also search in the Trademarks Register for the variations ‘Appel’, ‘Apple’ and ‘Apel’. 

Tips and tricks for searching  

In our webinar ‘Does your trademark already exist?’ (our apologies, this webinar is not available in English) we explain with examples how you can search to see if your trademark already exists. We also explain where you need to pay just that little bit of extra attention.    

Go to the page ‘Does your trademark already exist?’  

Search also in other places  

In order to be sure you can go ahead and use a particular name, you have to search extensively. For example, check whether a name is already being used as a trade name, so search in the Business Register and on internet as well.  

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