I want to transfer my trademark. How do I do that?

Your trademark is registered and you would like to transfer it to someone else. Is that possible? Perhaps you wish to sell your brand, or even your entire business? Well, we have good news for you: it is indeed possible, and you can take care of it yourself in MyBOIP. You can read more here about how to transfer trademarks.

Illustratie van twee personen

What does ‘transfer’ actually mean?

When you transfer a trademark you make someone else the owner (holder) of the trademark. It is not the same as a change of name, which results in a business being given a different (statutory) name. With a transfer, the trademark moves from one business to another.

How do you transfer a trademark?

To transfer a trademark you need what is known as a deed of assignment. This deed must contain the following:

  • the name and address of the current owner of the trademark and the name and address of the new owner;
  • the date on which you transfer the trademark;
  • the details of the trademark;
  • the names, functions and signatures of both parties.

You can draw up the deed yourself or you can have a notary public do it for you. If you wish to transfer more than one trademark at the same time, you can include them in one and the same deed. You must send the deed of assignment to us. You can read about how to do that below.

What does it cost to transfer a trademark?
On the Fees page you can read how much it costs to transfer your trademark. In 2024, transfer of a single trademark costs €56. If you wish to transfer more than one trademark at the same time, in 2024 you will pay €28 per trademark for the second trademark up to and including the fifth. Any subsequent trademark you wish to transfer is free of charge.

How to send a deed of transfer to us

You can send the deed of assignment to us online, via MyBOIP. Have the new owner (holder) open a MyBOIP account to save time.

You can transfer your trademark in five steps:

  1. Log in to MyBOIP or open an account first if you don’t have one yet.
  2. In the Trademarks column, click on ‘Transfer trademark’.
  3. If you wish, you can fill your own reference number, but you don't have to.
  4. Find the trademark you wish to transfer. To do that, fill in the filing or registration number and click on ‘Search’. If you want to transfer more than one trademark, fill in the numbers, each separated by a space, and click on ‘Search'. Select all the trademarks you wish to transfer. Then click on ‘Confirm’ and on ‘Next’.

    Need help to find your trademark? In the Trademarks Register enter the name of your trademark and click on “More details” to go to your trademark page. You will find the number you need there.
  5. Fill in the new owner on the page you arrive at. To do this, click on the ‘+Holder’ button and enter the new owner’s name. You must do this even if you know the new owner is unknown to BOIP. If the name of the new owner does appear, then select it.

    If you do not see the name of the new owner, click on the ‘+New’ button (N.B. This button only appears after you have searched). Enter the requested details of the new owner.

    Finally, click on ‘Save’ and then on ‘Next’.

    You will see an overview of the changes made, and you can upload a deed of assignment on this page. Check everything carefully and confirm you have done so. Finally, click on ‘Pay’ to pay for the amendment.

When is transfer complete?

After you have paid you will receive a confirmation email. Once we have finished processing and the transfer is complete, you will receive a message to that effect in MyBOIP. In the meantime, you can follow the status of your trademark in the BOIP Trademarks Register.

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